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Copy Right

Many of the games that can be found on the Kid Funs websites are our intellectual property (IPR). We have licenses from the copyright holders for several games that we are aware of. We were either unable to locate copyright information for several works, or our intensive online research had rendered it obsolete.

Certain games may be employed in unique circumstances due to a variety of criteria limits. As far as we are aware,The Kid Funs satisfies these requirements. The source code of the game is left intact. Creditors, trademarks, and website references, for instance, are immutable. If you believe that Kid Funs or any of its websites are infringing upon any of your intellectual property rights, including copyright, kindly get in touch with us as soon as possible and provide the following information:

  1. The intellectual property owner's signature, either in person or digitally, or the signature of the owner's designated agent.
  2. A description of the actions that were taken in violation of the IP right.
  3. The website address of Kid Funs, the book title where it appears, or, in the event of a registered brand name, a portion from the register demonstrating registration are a few examples of locations where the copyrighted work might be found without permission.
  4. A copy of the license that permits you, in the event that you are not the owner, to use and safeguard intellectual property.
  5. The specific URL or location on our website of the allegedly infringing content; this information needs to be specific enough for us to locate the content.
  6. Name, full contact details, and an authentic and truthful statement stating that the challenged use is prohibited by law, the copyright owner, or its agent.

For more information, email We will look into it as soon as we can and get to work on it. We will respond to your questions in a day.